Recruitment without the hard work

If just hearing the word 'recruitment' makes you shudder - try i-nomi.
It makes your life easy by using the power of trusted recommendations to find the people you need.

Find the Right People

i-nomi makes finding the right person for the job simple. It's easy to invite those who know you and your organisation to provide personal recommendations of people they believe will fit the role best. The focus is on the quality of the candidate, not quantity.

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Save Valuable Time

i-nomi is highly efficient for candidate selection. You can bypass ploughing through numerous CVs - only to miss the one that matters - with every step of the recruitment process visible on the easy-to-use, automated i-nomi dashboard.

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Recruit for Less

i-nomi is smarter and faster, costing less in time and money. Other methods of recruitment can prove more costly and be less likely to find the individual who will fit in, be immediately effective and more likely to stick around.

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