
Why i-nomi?

Trust - People you trust - with a real understanding of what you need - invite people who they trust to be a candidate in whom you can have confidence.

Flexible - Full time, Part Time, salaried, contract, Pay As You Go or pay by Completion Fee - i-nomi deals with them all.

Fast - Start a recruitment in moments, reach contacts wherever they are, whatever the time zone, candidates can answer without a CV, responses instantly ranked for an early hire.

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How does i-nomi help me find good candidates?

When a team or a project, or any group of people, need someone to join them it, is often in a hurry. The recruit must be right first time, hit the deck running and contribute immediately, there's little time to settle in.

For many, the preferred way of finding the great capability and expertise they need, is to work through people they trust. But working through many contacts can be hard and take a lot of time.

i-nomi makes this preferred way of recruiting fast and easy and provides clear oversight. The challenge of reading CVs and resumes, dealing with time zones and much more disappear.

Hiring Managers - the people with the biggest stake in getting successful hires - can direct their own recruitment campaigns.

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What's the difference between i-nomi & traditional recruitment?

Traditional recruitment relies on a plethora of CVs and profiles that may no longer be valid, up to date or relevant to a specific requirement. i-nomi makes it much easier to reach candidates that are more likely to be interested directly through people they know, without an unknown intermediary.

i-nomi is a referral platform that helps you reach candidates quickly through people you know and trust and then assess them on a fair and equal basis, against pre-determined criteria. No more random CVs or pre-screening required; i-nomi allows Employers to manage this themselves either with real-time results as candidates apply or with results embargoed until the closing date.

If CVs are essential, they can be requested through i-nomi, as an attachment to the Candidate's application.

i-nomi measures a Candidate on their value-for-money proposition i.e. their VFM score that is made up of a combination of their experience, capability, qualifications and required remuneration.

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How does i-nomi manage referrals & nominations?

Referrals are commonplace for many organisations. i-nomi coordinates them, ensuring that any selection is scored against pre-determined criteria, so that referrals are fair and relevant. Scoring against pre-determined criteria deals with any suggestion of favouritism head-on so that Hiring Managers can demonstrate the suitability of the referred Candidate.

i-nomi increases the awareness of the vacancy and allows for numerous referrals from numerous sources including existing team members and agencies. Every application is assessed consistently to ensure that the optimum Candidate is selected.

i-nomi can show applications as they arrive in real-time or with results embargoed until the closing date. You can choose to keep applications anonymous until the closing date to eliminate potential favouritism.

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How does i-nomi place responsibility where it fits best?

i-nomi enables the Administrator to empower Hiring Managers to run their own recruitment through their own networks of trusted colleagues, with full real-time oversight for the Administrator.

The Administrator and Hiring Manager can both see applications as they arrive. The Administrator doesn't need to manage the search, it can be left to the Hiring Managers who most at stake in delivering successful hires

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How does i-nomi enable good record keeping?

i-nomi has real-time dashboards that track recruitment activity, such as the receipt and immediate scoring and ranking of Candidates. Notes can be made on each application before deciding which applications to shortlist.

The automated scoring and ranking means Hiring Managers can better focus on the top scoring Candidates, with sound reason for doing so, as the shortlisting is immediate. No more hours spent on screening many, many applications to arrive at the best possible shortlist.

Dashboards can be easily saved, printed and filed as a complete record of the entire recruitment campaign.

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How does i-nomi help HR?

HR is often the department responsible for recruitment and so for i-nomi, may well have the role of Administrator. However, instead of HR having to run recruitment campaigns, Hiring Managers can run their own recruitment instead, using their networks of trusted colleagues to reach the best Candidates.

The Administrator retains full oversight of all activity in real-time and at all times and can keep an eye on applications as they roll in. This enables the Administrator to focus on more value-added activities as they no longer need to manage the transactional side of the search, leaving that to the Hiring Managers who have the most at stake in delivering successful hires.

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Can recruitment agencies use i-nomi?

Yes. Clients can invite Agencies to act as Nominators and Agencies can use i-nomi themselves to track candidates and speed up their shortlisting.

How many times have you heard a Recruiter ask you if you know anyone to fill a role they are trying to fill.

i-nomi works as a referral tool to control the referral process better and result in greater success for clients and Agencies alike.

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Can i-nomi be used to recruit consultants?

Yes. i-nomi caters for all vacancies whether Staff, Contractors, Consultants and a full-time or part-time basis. Value for money is measured against the budget - salary, fixed price budget or day rate.

i-nomi's sister product i-proc is designed to procure goods, services and contracts assessing Tenders for value-for-money - a combination of experience, capability, capacity and price (fixed price, cost reimbursable or schedule or rates).

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How does i-nomi deal with CVs?

i-nomi allows Hiring Managers to define their requirement through a number of handy, easy to use selection criteria and sliders.

This reduces the reliance on reading individual CVs, which are often outdated and misaligned to the requirement and very often misunderstood. If CVs are required, they can be requested through i-nomi, as an attachment to the Candidate's application.

i-nomi also deals with the right to work in the host country and keeping applications anonymous if necessary / preferred.

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How does i-nomi deal with changing requirements?

If the requirements of a job change, Hiring Managers can change their criteria too and/or use sliders to place more emphasis on some criteria, without the need to relaunch the recruitment. Candidates scores will change automatically to align with the revised criteria to ensure that the best Candidate is selected

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What is a Completed Job?

As soon as the candidate has been selected, the Hiring Manager can complete the job, which will archive it, removing it from the dashboards. The job can still be viewed at any time by selecting all-jobs or completed jobs in the Jobs Dashboard.

i-nomi is designed to encourage good housekeeping. When a candidate is selected the job can be completed, so that the next job can be launched.

i-nomi Enterprise can cater for unlimited jobs in progress, though it is always good practice to close off jobs as soon as possible.

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How does i-nomi support fairness and non-discrimination?

i-nomi can show applications as they arrive in real-time or with results embargoed until the closing date. You can choose to keep applications anonymous until the closing date to eliminate potential favouritism. When the Hiring Manager is ready see the identity of the Candidates, they can do so at the flick of a switch.

If CVs are required, they can be requested through i-nomi, as an attachment to the Candidate's application. i-nomi also deals with the right to work in the host country and keeping applications anonymous if necessary / preferred.

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What is the Administrator, do you have to have one?

Whoever signs up first for the organisation automatically becomes the Administrator although the role is transferable at any time. The Administrator is responsible for the account and is typically someone tasked with the overall management of recruitment e.g. a Recruiter / HR Manager etc.

The Administrator can bypass the Hiring Manager and Nominator roles to use i-nomi to directly reach Candidates.

The use of Hiring Managers and Nominators allows for a wider reach and a more coordinated process for the organisation, where Nominators can be rewarded for assisting in the search of good talent.

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What is a Hiring Manager, do you have to have one?

The Administrator can bypass the Hiring Manager and Nominator roles and use i-nomi themselves to directly reach Candidates. The introduction of Hiring Managers and Nominators enables a wider reach and more coordinated process for the organisation, where Nominators can be rewarded for assisting in the search of good talent.

i-nomi allows Administrator to coordinate the recruitment campaigns of several Hiring Managers, each of whom can run their own recruitments in a coordinated, consistent manner.

A Hiring Manager is typically someone in your organisation who is responsible for individual recruitment, e.g. a Project Leader, Department Head or Manager, who can run their own campaign safe in the knowledge that the Administrator has full view of the recruitment as it develops.

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What is a Nominator, do you have to have one?

A Nominator is typically someone in your network of trusted professionals, someone you can confidently involve in your search to fill a role, in a fair, unbiased manner.

Referrals are a good way to reach candidates, i-nomi allows you to reach many more, through a wider network of Nominators.

i-nomi works best if your network is engaged in your search but the role of the Nominator can be bypassed by both the Administrator and Hiring Managers, who can approach Candidates directly.

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Can an Agency be a Nominator?

Yes. Clients can choose to invite Agencies to act as Nominators and Agencies can use i-nomi themselves to speed up their shortlisting processes.

How many times have you heard a recruiter ask you if you know anyone to fill a role they are trying to fill. i-nomi works as a referral tool to control the referral process better and result in more success for clients and Agencies alike.

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Can a Nominator invite someone else to be a Nominator?

When you are in contact with someone, that can often lead to "I can't help you but I know someone who can". For i-nomi, when the someone who can is a potential Nominator then they should be put in touch with the Hiring Manager, that way Hiring Managers stay in control of their recruitment campaigns.

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Can the roles of Administrator and Hiring Manager be transferred?

Yes. Businesses change and people can come and go, so i-nomi can transfer accounts and jobs between users. This takes care of changes to the organisation's structure, including, for example ensuring cover for annual leave or when users leave the business or takes up another role in the organisation. The transfer can be in full or in part e.g. for certain jobs only.

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How do Administrators sign up to i-nomi?

Administrators can sign-up an organisation to i-nomi through our i-nomi.net website and become the custodians of the organisations account. Administrators can transfer stewardship of the account to another user when necessary e.g. when they are away or on holiday or leave the organisation.

Once signed-up, the Administrator has full control of the account, including inviting Hiring Managers, Nominators and Candidates and transferring accounts and jobs between Hiring Managers

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How do Hiring Managers sign up to i-nomi?

Hiring Managers are invited to sign-up for i-nomi by the Administrator who runs i-nomi for the organisation. This allows Hiring Managers to run their own recruitment campaigns, safe in the knowledge that the Administrator has sight off all activities in real-time.

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How do Nominators sign up to i-nomi

Nominators are invited to sign-up to i-nomi by the Administrator or a Hiring Manager on the basis that they understand the capability required for the job and are an effective route to likeminded people through their network of professional contacts. Nominators invite Candidates to apply based on their knowledge of the individual. i-nomi is not a job-board or repository of CVs.

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How do Candidates sign up to i-nomi?

Candidates receive a personal invitation to sign-up to i-nomi when they are believed to be a good match to a specific job. Administrators and/or Hiring Managers who are recruiting for a job invite Candidates to apply based on their knowledge of the individual.

i-nomi is not a job search tool or a repository of CVs so Candidates invited to apply for a role can be confident that their suitability has already been carefully considered for that role.

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How much does i-nomi cost and who pays?

i-nomi offers a range of packages.

i-nomi Lite is a free service designed to offer an introduction to i-nomi.

i-nomi Pro is available on a monthly subscription basis as can be seen under Pricing.

i-nomi Enterprise is fully customisable designed for larger organisations, where changes to the branding and criteria can be facilitated.

Both i-nomi Pro and Enterprise can be integrated with other systems such as Slack, TeamTailor, and Workable.

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How much can I save using i-nomi?

i-nomi fees are very much less than traditional recruitment fees associated with Job-boards (advertising) and access to piles of CVs. Go to Pricing to see which option best suits you and your organisation.

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Can i-nomi work with Employee Referral Schemes?

Yes. Where organisations have referral schemes in place, i-nomi makes it easier to engage Nominators in recruitment and includes fields where the value of the referral fees can be clearly identified, as you can choose whether to make these will visible to Nominators or not.

Hiring Managers have full visibility of the nomination process and once a Candidate is selected, the dashboards show who has nominated them. i-nomi also notes when a Candidate is nominated by numerous Nominators, which provides increased comfort that the Candidate is the right person for the job.

Nominators who reach the right Candidate first can be rewarded in line with the organisations success fee policy. i-nomi does not interfere with reward schemes the responsibility for which remains with the organisation. The reward could go to the first Nominator or could be shared.

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Demonstration and User Guides

Is there a Demo / Test site to get the look and feel of i-nomi?

We have set up an Instant Demo site, accessible through the "What is i-nomi" page, to allow users to try i-nomi for themselves, switching easily from Administrator to Hiring manager, to Nominator, to Candidate to experience each role in turn. The Instant Demo site is already populated with Jobs that you can send on (as a Nominator) or apply for (as a Candidate), and you can of course create your own test jobs (as an Administrator or Hiring Manager) yourself, although data is refreshed every week so the test jobs you add are likely to be removed.

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User Guide for the Administrator

A User Guide for the Administrator role is available within the i-nomi app, and explains how the Administrator would manage their account, invite Hiring Managers, create and manage jobs. For a quick preview, look for the User Guide tab in the Instant Demo site.

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User Guide and Guided Tour for the Hiring Manager

A User Guide and Guided Tour for the hiring Manager role is available within the i-nomi app, and explains how the Hiring Manager would create jobs and invite Nominators. For a quick preview, look for the User Guide and Guided Tour tabs in the Instant Demo site.

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User Guide and Guided Tour for the Nominator

A User Guide for the Nominator role is available within the i-nomi app, and explains how the Nominator would view jobs and invite Candidates to apply. For a quick preview, look for the User Guide and Guided Tour tabs in the Instant Demo site.

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User Guide and Guided Tour for the Candidate

A User Guide and Guided Tour for the Candidate role is available within the i-nomi app, and explains how the Candidate would view jobs and apply. For a quick preview, look for the User Guide and Guided Tour tabs in the Instant Demo site.

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