How It Works

i-nomi is a faster, more transparent and cost-effective way to find the trusted and capable people that your organisation needs.  i-nomi is particularly useful for recruiting hard-to-fill roles.

It works by equipping you to use your network, and your partners’, friends’, colleagues’ and even your recruitment agents, the people who you know and your organisation.  These are the people who understand you, your team and what you need – they are ideally placed to make recommendations.  This is how many successful organisation have recruited the vital people they need for many years.

i-nomi makes this well established method so much easier – and it brings together the information for an informed choice.  So, what are the i-nomi steps to achieve success?

Create a job within i-nomi

On your desktop or mobile device, sign in to our easy-to-use and secure dashboard.

From here you can create a job – add the job title, job description and details such as start date, salary and the opening and closing dates for applications.

Use i-nomi's visual sliders to set the key criteria for the job, from qualifications and experience to location and availability.

Invite trusted colleagues to nominate great people

Nominators are people within your professional network who know you and your organisation and are well placed to nominate great potential candidates.

Use i-nomi to invite them to become Nominators, and publish details of the job you are looking to fill.

Nominators can see the full job details and with a button click can personally invite those they think would be suitable for the opportunity.

i-nomi collects applications

As soon as candidates hear of the opportunity from their Nominator, they can apply for the job through i-nomi.

Remember that each candidate is being contacted by someone who knows of them, so the contact is personal and more likely to be relevant and of interest.

As each application arrives, the Hiring Manager who placed the role is notified and the dashboard updated automatically.

The dashboard shows the integral scoring system which is extremely useful as it helps to rate the candidates’ qualifications, experience and remuneration sought against the job details.

Shortlist your candidates for interview

Review, accept and reject as you shortlist the candidates.

i-nomi provides you with the contact details so can invite applicants you want to interview without delay.

So, in just a few simple steps you’ve spread the word, generated interest and found the best candidates for your vacancy – all for a fraction of the time and money you’d spend on traditional recruitment methods.

What’s more, you know that candidates are already known to trusted contacts and are more likely to be well-suited and reliable members of the team.